We are pleased to be here for you at significant times in the life of your family. Please contact us to talk about the many options for special services – or indeed if you just want to talk. Tel Revd Nicola Farr, 01840 219376
Christenings (Baptism)
At a Christening your baby, child (or indeed an adult) is baptised with water as a sign that they are starting a lifelong journey of faith. We love to welcome them to the church family in this way and pray for God’s blessing on you all. Do ring to find out more.

Weddings, Blessings, Renewal of Vows.
Whether you are getting married for the first time or wish to renew your vows. Our Churches are special places to hold the ceremony. All our five churches are licensed for Marriage Services – Revd Nicki or Revd Jeffrey would be pleased to discuss the possibilities with you. For general information about Church of England Weddings have a look at our wedding website yourchurchwedding.org
Funerals are important occasions to say goodbye and to commit our loved ones to God’s keeping. Services can be held in our churches followed by burial in the Churchyard (at some of our churches) or a committal at the Crematorium. Revd Nicki, Revd Jeffrey and Claire are also available to take services in the Crematorium Chapel. Our aim is always to tailor the service to you and your loved one. Your Funeral Director can tell you more or do feel free to contact us direct if we can help.