St Julitta’s, Lanteglos-by-Camelford was built at a time when the nearby hamlet of Helstone was a royal manor and hunting grounds and the major settlement of the area. It lies in a stunning setting – a lovely peaceful valley with a churchyard that is kept as a wild flower meadow that is particularly attractive in the spring and summer months.

St. Julitta’s is the ancient Parish Church of Camelford and is very important to the people of the town as the place where family events such as weddings and baptisms are celebrated and where family members are ultimately laid to rest. The small regular congregation are boosted at festival times and special services such as Remembrance Sunday when 200+ may attend.
St Julitta, Lanteglos is now open again following a major renovation – there is more to do but do come and see how beautiful it is looking. For further information on the history and renovations please go to the website of the Friends of Lanteglos Church (FOLC) at https://www.lanteglosbycamelfordchurch.com
Regular Services at Lanteglos
Monthly service of Holy Communion (BCP) 11.15am on the fourth Sunday of every month
Monthly Compline – a short reflective service for the end of the day – 7pm on the second Thursday
Monthly Breakfast Communion – Holy Communion followed by breakfast – 8.30am on the first Friday of the month.