Welcome Nicki!

On 7th March 2024 we welcomed Revd Nicki Farr as our Rector and Pioneer Minister.

Rev Nicki writes:

It is with great excitement that I prepare to serve and minister in your churches and communities as your new Rector and Pioneer Priest. I look forward to meeting you soon and getting to know you, and I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself….

I grew up in Hampshire with my parents and older brother where I regularly attended Church and Sunday School. During my teenage years, I engaged in a wide variety of different activities and hobbies and did not actively make room for God in my life so gradually drifted away from church.

In 1988, I married Andrew and after we moved to Cornwall, I felt a strong sense that God was calling me back to Him, so Andrew and I started attending St Mary’s Church in Callington.

After a few years of working in Lloyds Bank, I then became a full-time mum to our four daughters, Bethany, Kirsty, Rachel and Holly. Whilst they were growing up, I began my woodwind teaching practice. I found great joy in teaching many students to play instruments, helping them enjoy the love of music-making. I enjoy playing my clarinet with friends and as part of an orchestra. My other interests include swimming and walking at the coast and in the countryside and spending time with my family.

There have been many significant events where I have felt or seen God move in my life and in the life of others, which inspires me to tell others about Jesus. In 2015, I felt a call to ordination and after much thought, wrestling, prayer and discernment, I entered the Diocesan process which led to a recommendation for training. I was accepted by St Mellitus College where I studied for a Diploma in Theology, Mission & Ministry for two years before my ordination in 2020.

We moved to Launceston to take up my post as Assistant Curate to the Launceston Parish Churches and the Churches in the Moorland and Egloskerry group. It has been a fruitful time of learning, serving, ministry, prayer and blessing.

I look forward to continuing my faith journey with the Camel-Allen Churches, as together we seek the will of God, and look to share His love amongst one another and with the wider communities.

We look forward to welcoming and seek God’s blessing on Rev Nicki and Andrew as they move home and settle into life within our group of churches, and Rev Nicki as she prepares for her service of licensing and installation and begins work with the team here.

October services and events

Sunday 1st October 11.00 am, St Teath Family Communion with Baptism

Sunday 1st October 4.00 pm, St Thomas Harvest Songs of Praise

Friday 6th October 8.30 am, St Julitta Communion followed by breakfast

Saturday 7th October afternoon and evening, St Teath Harvest “Come & Sing”

Sunday 8th October 9.30 am, St John Harvest Thanksgiving

Sunday 8th October 11.00 am, St Teath Harvest Thanksgiving

Sunday 8th October 11.15 am, St Adwena Holy Communion

Thursday 12th October 7.00 pm, St Julitta Compline

Sunday 15th October 9.30 am, St Thomas Holy Communion

Sunday 15th October 11.00 am, St Teath Choral Communion

Sunday 15th October 4.00 pm, St Julitta Harvest Thanksgiving (with St Adwena)

(Tuesday 17th & Wednesday 18th October during the day, welcome and interview process to appoint our new Rector and Pioneer Priest)

Sunday 22nd October 9.30 am, St John Holy Communion

Sunday 22nd October 10.00 am, St Teath Breakfast Service

Sunday 22nd October 11.15 am, St Julitta Holy Communion

Thursday 26th October 7.00 pm, St Thomas Healing Service

Sunday 29th October 11.00 am, St Teath Benefice Service

We’re Live!

Today the advert for our new Rector and Pioneer Priest went live in Church Times. This is an exciting opportunity and a key part in the Deanery Plan. Pray with us as we seek to find the right person for this role. We know God has someone out there for us! (in the meantime, we will try to get August happenings up on the website shortly……)

Rector & Pioneer Priest (Full-time)

The Benefice of Camel-Allen, Cornwall

Explore the opportunities for mission and ministry in this beautiful coast and country benefice and see for yourself why so many people fall in love with this part of the world!

This is an exciting opportunity for a priest who would like to exercise ministry in a diverse yet realistic cluster of three parishes, combining elements of a traditional incumbency role with a clear commitment to pioneer new initiatives.

The appointment is to a full-time position and we seek a priest with a pioneering spirit, a willingness to embrace a variety of church traditions and a team player with the gifts and graces to exercise oversight ministry by investing in local leaders (lay and ordained) to ensure the flourishing of each parish.

The post combines (in a 50/50 split) elements of a Rector’s role with that of a Pioneer Minister, including:

• Working specifically within Camelford and Delabole to understand the spiritual needs, expectations and opportunities within these local communities;

• Fostering good relationships with relevant community leaders and organisations, including supporting local schools and listening to those within the deep rural parts of our benefice;

• Developing and growing the team of volunteers, identifying and harnessing the gifts God has given.

For further information and details please visits our website:  www.trurodiocese.org.uk/vacancies/

Closing Date:   20th September at 12noon

Shortlisting:    27th September

Parish Visit:     17th October

Interviews:      18th October

Part of the process will include a vocational conversation that will take place online between short-listing and the interview.

The appointment is subject to enhanced disclosure from the DBS

For an informal conversation, please contact the Archdeacon of Bodmin: archdeacons@truro.anglican.org

Very In Tents…….

Sorry to not have many posts during July. It’s not that we haven’t done much, just events have been so exciting we haven’t had time to do the posts…..

For the Second Sunday in July, we made a welcome return to Delabole Carnival Tent, combining with the free churches of Delabole and our great friends Delabole Methodist church. Sadly the Carnival at the end of the week was postponed due to bad weather. Don’t hide your costumes, though, there will be a static carnival parade in Delabole Park on Sunday 6th August to make up for it.

Rev’d Jeffrey led services at St Thomas and St Teath on our third Sunday, including a baptism at St Teath. The theme was based on the sower sowing seeds in all the wrong and right places. Watch out for those weeds!

Then on the Fourth Sunday we “decamped” to St Teath Carnival Tent, on the village green. Claire, Gareth and John “the baptist” led us in an informal service exploring how we listen, when we get it wrong and when we get it right. It was lovely and reaffirming to hear how God has worked through our congregation in different ways when we listen and trust in Him. Rev’d Geraldine led services at St Johns and St Julittas elsewhere in our Benefice.

In Step with Jesus

Our three services around the Benefice on Sunday 25th June were at St John’s, St Julitta’s and St Teath. At St John’s and St Julitta’s, Rev’d Jeffrey led prayerful and reflective communion services. At St Teath’s Breakfast church, we reflected on being in step with Jesus. Here we see us laying our burdens around the cross and asking to be re-ignited with God’s love through the cross……..

Jazz in the Garden!

Stubby’s Jazz Band came to St Teath on Saturday 24th June, with guests Bailey and Tom Jackson. Our hosts were Sue and Tom in the Old Vicarage Garden, with cakes, Pimms, Raffle and an audience of nearly 200. This fundraiser was to raise money for new bell ropes and we were delighted to exceed our target!

Stubby’s Jazz Band played a selection of big band numbers from New Orleans classics like Oh When the Saints, right through to Blue Train and Milestones. Bailey included three numbers from Oliver! ready for when she plays Nancy in St Teath School’s production next week. Tom treated us to some stunning improvisation work in standards including Ol’Man River and What a Wonderful World. A beautiful, quintessential, Cornish summer evening……. (thanks to Anne for the photos)