April Weekday Services

Wednesday 3rd April, 9am, St Adwena, Morning Prayer

Friday 5th April, 8.30am, St Julitta, Breakfast Communion

Wednesday 10th April, 9am, St Adwena, Morning Prayer

Friday 5th April, 7.00pm, St Adwena, BCP Compline

Thursday 11th April, 7.00pm, St Julitta, BCP Compline

Friday 12th April, 9.00am, St Julitta, Morning Prayer

Friday 12th April, 7.00pm, St Adwena, BCP Compline

Wednesday 17th April, 9.00am, St Adwena, Morning Prayer

Friday 19th April, 9.00am, St Julitta, Morning Prayer

Friday 19th April, 7.00pm, St Adwena, BCP Compline

Wednesday 24 April, 9.00am, St Adwena, Morning Prayer

Thursday 25th April, 7.00pm, St Thomas, Prayer and Healing service

Friday 26th April, 9.00am, St Julitta, Morning Prayer

April Sunday Services

Sunday 7th April, 11.00am, St Teath, Family Communion

Sunday 7th April, 4.00pm, St Thomas, Songs of Praise

Sunday 14th April, 11.00am St John, Holy Communion with Baptism

Sunday 14th April, 11.00am, St Thomas, Holy Communion

Sunday 14th April, 11.15am, St Adwena, BCP Holy Communion

Sunday 21st April, 9.30am, St Thomas, Holy Communion

Sunday 21st April, 11.00am, St Teath, Holy Communion

Sunday 28th April, 9.30am St John, Holy Communion

Sunday 28th April, 10.00am, St Teath, Breakfast Service

Sunday 28th April, 11.15am, St Julitta, BCP Holy Communion

Welcome to the Benefice!

On Thursday 7th March we formally welcomed Revd Nicola Farr to our Benefice as Rector and Pioneer Minister. The service, taken by Bishop Hugh, Archdeacon Kelly and Dean Paul, was attended by over 200 people, both from our Benefice and beyond. It was particularly a delight to welcome so many clergy colleagues supporting Nicki plus many visitors from her former churches. Over the next few weeks, Nicki will have the opportunity to get to know each of our five congregations as she leads worship in each place. For Mothering Sunday, Nicki will preach at Advent. On Passion Sunday it will be the turn of St Thomas Camelford and St Teath. On Palm Sunday, not only will Nicki be in attendance, but also Bishop Hugh will be at St Julitta’s Lanteglos. Then on Easter Day, Nicki will lead a Sunrise Service at St John’s Delabole. For a full list of services, including Bishop Hugh’s visits on Palm Sunday, see our services page.