A Busy Choir!

St Teath Church choir has had a busy few weeks! Along with our weekly services and rehearsals, in the last month, we have sung for a beautiful wedding (including Sager’s “The Prayer”), entertained visitors to the church Crocus afternoon, and then to top it all participated in the Wadebridge Festival of Speech and Drama. Competing against two far larger and well established choirs, we came a very respectable second, with a “Highly Commended” report from the adjudicator.

We are almost unique now on the North Coast of Cornwall, where we sing weekly for services with a choir regularly reaching a dozen. We’re part of the Royal School of Church Music. Even if you don’t fancy singing Sunday by Sunday with us, why not pop in to a rehearsal on a Thursday evening 7.00pm to hear what we do?

World Day of Prayer

The World Day of Prayer movement has brought together many folk from our local Christian communities; this year we were hosting the service at St Teath. Each year the service is prepared by a different country within the movement, and we followed the thoughts and prayers from our sisters in Taiwan, “I Have Heard Your Faith”.

Geraldine is Commissioned

We welcome Geraldine as both registered nurse and ordained priest, working in Camelford and Delabole as part of her role in Bodmin. Here’s a report from the service in Bodmin this weekend:

The churches making up the Bodmin Team Ministry gathered in St. Hydroc’s for a joint service led by the Rt. Rev’d Philip Mounstephen, Bishop of Truro.

On a glorious spring morning Bishop Philip drew our attention to the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert. He expressed some sharp contracts, close parallels and rich resonances of this account with the Garden of Eden, Moses’ 40 days on Mount Sinai and the 40 years God’s people wondered in the wilderness.

The bishop expressed these accounts as callings. It was only Jesus, God’s beloved Son, who chose to obey and fulfil his vocation from God when he was put to the test. Jesus was obedient even to death. After his resurrection he was given all the kingdom, power and glory from God the Father. Today, the Church is the body of Christ and just like Jesus we need to be obedient to God’s call. For those yet to know God, the good news is everyone can come to him. It’s only through Jesus’ unflinching obedience to his Father, and his faithfulness to his calling, that his Kingdom and our salvation, will come.

The service also was a Commissioning of Rev’d Geraldine Ashton Bodmin, Camelford & Delabole’s Parish Nurse. Rev’d Geraldine is both a nurse and a priest and she is fulfilling her calling to serve God and those around her, within the protocols of parish nursing.

Lent is for loving….

With glorious weather over our Benefice in this first Sunday of Lent, our services at St Johns and St Julittas were kindly led by our good friend Andrew Lewis, focussing on Christ’s time in the wilderness. At St Teath, our Breakfast Service theme was “love Actually” on loving God, others and then ourselves. Jeffrey introduced us to snails in ginger beer, Claire to corners of God’s love, and Sue to heart shaped prayer telescopes.

Coffee and cake was consumed in St Teath Sunday afternoon to celebrate the annual display of crocus in the churchyard, so lovingly encouraged by Dave and Lorraine over many years. This year’s musical guests were the Wadebridge Male Voice Choir, and solo slots were taken by Tilly and Claire. The afternoon’s music was rounded off with our own choir singing some of their favourite anthems, starting with The Prayer and ending with Standing in the Need of Prayer.

(Photos to follow shortly….)

March Diary Dates

Friday 3rd March 8.30 am St Julitta Communion (BCP) followed by breakfast

Friday 3rd March 10.30 am St Teath Service for World Day of Prayer

Sunday 5th March 11.00 am St Teath Communion

Sunday 5th March 4.00 pm St Thomas Songs of Praise

Tuesday 7th March St Thomas 3.00 pm St Thomas 4 C’s

Thursday 9th March 11.30 am St Thomas Lent course on Healing

Thursday 9th March 7.00 pm St Julitta Compline

Sunday 12th March, 9.30am St John’s Fellowship Service

Sunday 12th March 11.00 am St Teath Morning Worship (CW)

Sunday 12th March 11.15 am St Adwena Communion (BCP)

Thursday 16th March 11.30 St Thomas Lent Course on Healing

Mothering Sunday services

Sunday 19th March 9.30 am St Thomas Communion (CW) (with our Methodist friends)

Sunday 19th March 11.00 am St Teath Family Communion, welcoming Archdeacon Kelly

Sunday 19th March 11.00 am Delabole Methodist Church Village Celebration

Sunday 19th March 3.30 pm St Julitta Choral Evensong (BCP)

Tuesday 21st March 3.00 pm St Thomas 4 C’s

Thursday 23rd March 11.30 St Thomas Lent Course on Healing

Sunday 26th March

Sunday 26th March 9.30 am St Johns Communion (CW)

Sunday 26th March 10.00 am St Teath Breakfast Service

Sunday 26th March 11.15 am St Julitta Communion (BCP)

Thursday 30th March 11.30 am St Thomas Lent Course on Healing